Extract the nurbs control points and knots of a curve.
Find the closest point on a curve.
Measure the length of a curve.
Find all discontinuities along a curve.
Extract the end points of a curve.
Estimate a plane from the specified curve.
Evaluate a curve at the specified parameter.
Solve the perpendicular (zero-twisting) frame at a specified curve parameter.
Generate a number of equally spaced, perpendicular frames along a curve.
Test a point for closed curve containment.
Find the center point (average) for a polyline.
Divide a curve into equal length segments
Divide a curve into segments with a preset length
Shatter a curve into segments.
Create an arc defined by base plane, radius and angle domain.
Create an arc defined by start point, end point and a tangent vector.
Create a circle defined by base plane and radius.
Create a circle defined by three points.
Create an ellipse defined by base plane and two radii.
Create a line between two points.
Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.}
Create a polyline curve
Create a polygon with optional round edges.
Create a rectangle on a plane
Create an interpolated curve through a set of points.
Construct a nurbs curve from control points.
Create a polyline connecting a number of points.
Explode a curve into smaller segments.
Fillet the sharp corners of a curve.
Fillet the sharp corner at a parameter of a curve.
Flip a curve.
Join as many curves as possible
Offset a curve with a specified distance.
Offset a parallel curve with a specified distance.
Visualize the length of LineCurve & PolylineCurve in the viewport
Display meshs with a clipping plane
Preview geometries with a custom material
Display texcoords of a mesh
Preview indices of points in the viewport
Preview vectors in the viewport
Export a curve as .dxf format
Export a frep as mesh format by marching cubes.
Export a mesh as .glb (binary gltf) format
Export a mesh as .obj format
Export a mesh as .ply format
Export a mesh as .stl format
Perform a difference on two sets of freps.
Perform an intersection on a set of freps.
Perform a smooth difference on two sets of freps.
Perform a smooth intersection on a set of freps.
Perform a smooth union on a set of freps.
Perform an union on a set of freps.
User custom distance function (.glsl) for frep.
User custom filter (.glsl) for frep.
Create a box frep.
Create a capsule frep.
Create a cone frep.
Create a cylinder frep.
Create a sphere frep.
Perform a diamond TPMS on a frep.
Perform a fischer koch S TPMS on a frep.
Perform a gyroid TPMS on a frep.
Perform a lidinoid TPMS on a frep.
Perform a schwarz P TPMS on a frep.
Extract the bounding box of a frep.
Rounding a frep shape.
Create a mesh from frep by marching cubes.
Import a curve from drawing formats (.dxf, .svg)
Import a mesh (.obj, .stl, .gltf, .ply)
Create a set of Mesh contours
Solve intersection events for two lines.
Solve intersection event for a line and a mesh.
Solve intersection event for a line and a plane.
Solve intersection event for a line and a triangle.
Solve intersection events for two curves.
Perform a solid difference on two sets of meshes
Perform a solid intersection on a set of meshes
Perform a solid union on a set of meshes
Difference between two sets of planar closed curves (regions)
Intersection between two sets of planar closed curves (regions)
Union of a set of planar closed curves (regions)
Create a complex number from a Real and an Imaginary component
Create the conjugate of a Complex number
Get the modulus of a Complex number
Extract the Real and Imaginary components from a complex number
Create a numeric domain which encompasses a list of numbers.
Create consecutive domains from a list of numbers
Deconstruct a two-dimensional domain into its component parts
Create a two-dimensional domain from two simple domains.
Test a numeric value to see if it is included in the domain
Remap numbers into a new numeric domain
Evaluate an expression
Compute the value of a 3D perlin noise
Compute the value of a 3D simplex noise
Compute the absolute of a value.
Perform vector-vector addition.
The smallest integer greater than or equal to the given number.
Mathematical division
Test for (in)equality of two numbers
The largest integer less than or equal to the given number.
Perform boolean conjunction (AND gate).
Perform boolean negation (NOT gate).
Perform boolean disjunction (OR gate).
Larger than (or equal to)
Perform mass addition of a list of items
Perform mass multiplication of a list of numbers
Divides two numbers and returns only the remainder.
Mathematical multiplication
Compute the negative of a value.
Raise a value to a power.
Round a floating point value.
Smaller than (or equal to)
Mathematical subtraction
Compute the square of a value
Compute the square root of a value
Compute the angle whose cosine is the specified value.
Compute the angle whose sine is the specified value.
Compute the angle whose tangent is the specified value.
Compute the cosine of a value
Convert an angle specified in radians to degrees
Convert an angle specified in degrees to radians
Compute the sine of a value
Compute the tangent of a value
Solve the arithmetic average for a set of items
Return the greater of two items.
Return the lesser of two items.
Returns a factor of Pi.
Deconstruct a mesh face into its four corner indices.
Deconstruct a mesh into its component parts.
Create a box mesh
Create a cylindrical mesh.
Create a spherical mesh.
Create a mesh triangle.
Create lines from a mesh triangle.
Get points from a mesh triangle.
Apply texcoords by a face projection
Apply texcoords by a plane projection
Apply texcoords by triplanar mapping
Delaunay connectivity
Planar voronoi diagram for a collection of points
Flip the faces of a mesh
Join a set of meshes into a single mesh
Weld (merge) creases in a mesh
Contains a collection of boolean values
Represents a numeric mapping function.
A multidimensional slider.
A numeric form for single values
A numeric slider for single values
Boolean (true/false) toggle.
Provides a list of values to choose from.
Comment on a node graph
A panel for custom notes and text values.
A viewer for data structures.
Relay a signal of an edge
User custom node.
Dispatch the items in a list into two target lists.
Retrieve indices of a list
Insert a collection of items into a list.
Retrieve the index of a certain item in a list.
Retrieve a specific item from a list.
Measure the length of a list.
Partition a list into sub-lists
Reverse the order of a list.
Offset all items in a list.
Sort a list of numeric keys.
Weave a set of input data using a custom pattern.
Cull (remove) indexed elements from a list.
Cull (remove) elements in a list using a repeating bit mask.
Duplicate data a predefined number of times.
Generate a list of pseudo random numbers.
Create a range of numbers.
Create a series of numbers.
Flatten a data tree by removing all branching information.
Flip a matrix-like data tree by swapping rows and columns.
Graft a data tree by adding an extra branch for every item.
Merge a bunch of data streams
Shift the indices in all data tree paths
Simplify a data tree by removing the overlap shared amongst all branches.
Split a data tree into two parts using path masks.
Filters a collection of input streams
Redirects a stream into specific outputs.
Unflatten a data tree by moving items back into branches.
Solve area properties for breps, meshes and planar closed curves.
Evaluate local surface properties at a {uv} coordinate.
Find the closest point on a surface.
Create planar surfaces from a collection of boundary edge curves.
Extrude curves and surfaces along a vector.
Extrude curves and surfaces to a point.
Create a lofted surface through a set of section curves.
Create a pipe surface around a rail curve.
Create a surface of revolution.
Create a nurbs surface from a grid of points.
Create a sweep surface with one rail curve.
Solve bounding boxes aligned to a specified plane.
Construct a bounding box.
Deconstruct a bounding box into its component parts.
Solve oriented bounding boxes.
Create a plane surface
Generate a grid of {uv} points on a surface.
Extract an isoparametric subset of a surface.
Tessellate a surface with adaptive refinement
Format a string with input variables
Contains a collection of text fragments
Scale an object with a center point & non-uniform factors.
Scale an object uniformly in all directions.
Create a linear array of geometry.
Mirror an object
Translate (move) an object along a vector
Orient an object. Remap a geometry from one axis-system to another
Rotate a mesh with angles
Rotate an object around a center point and an axis vector
Rotate an object on a plane
Scale an object with non-uniform factors.
Map a curve onto a surface via control points.
Contains a collection of geometric groups
Ungroup a set of objects
2D grid with hexagonal cells
Populate a 2-Dimensional region with points
Populate generic geometry with points
2D grid with rectangular cells
2D rectangular spiral
2D grid with square cells
2D grid with triangular cells
Deconstruct a plane into its component parts.
Flip or swap the axes of a plane
create a plane
World XY plane.
World XZ plane.
World YZ plane.
Find closest point in a point collection
Find closest points in a point collection
Cull points that are coincident within tolerance
Deconstruct a point into its component parts.
Compute Euclidean distance between two point coordinates.
Create a point
Convert a point into a vector
Project a point onto a collection of shapes
Pull a point to a variety of geometry.
Sort points along a curve
Compute the angle between two vectors.
Compute vector cross product.
Deconstruct a vector into its component parts.
Projects a vector onto a plane
Rotate a vector around an axis vector
Unitize vector.
Unit vector parallel to the world {x} axis.
Unit vector parallel to the world {y} axis.
Unit vector parallel to the world {z} axis.
Create a vector from 3 components
Create a vector between two points.
Compute the length (amplitude) of a vector.
Convert a vector into a point.
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